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Accreditation Manual 2024 BAC Accreditation Manual (2nd edition) revised in 2024 PDF Download
Activity Report 2023 Report of the IQAC activities at IUBAT happened in the year 2023 PDF Download
BNQF Full Version Bangladesh National Qualification Framework for all educational levels PDF Download
Activity Report 2022 IQAC Activity Report 2022 PDF Download
Accreditation Manual 2022 The manual provided by the Bangladesh Accreditation Council (BAC) PDF Download
Activity Report 2021 Report of the IQAC activities at IUBAT happened in the year 2021 PDF Download
IQAC Organogram The latest organogram of IQAC with job descriptions provided by the UGC on October 2021 PDF Download
Guidelines for Online  Academic guidelines for online classes and viva exams PDF Download
Activity Report 2020 Report of the IQAC activities at IUBAT happened in the year 2020 PDF Download
BAC Standards and Criteria Approved version  of the Bangladesh Accreditation Council (BAC) Standards and Criteria needed for program accreditation PDF Download
National Qualification Framework Bangladesh National Qualification Framework revised and accepted in January 2021 PDF Download
IQAC Operations Manual Second version of the IQAC Operations Manual prepared by the UGC PDF Download
Activity Report 2019 Report of the IQAC activities at IUBAT happened in the year 2019 PDF Download
Faculty Competency Profile The competency profile for faculty members developed by IUBAT PDF Download
OBE Curriculum Template approved version of the OBE Curriculum Template for all university programs prepared by the UGC PDF Download
Program Self-Assessment Manual Second version of the Program Self-Assessment Manual prepared by the UGC PDF Download